Welcome to the official website of the Wisconsin Region of the Classic Car Club of America
Director’s Message:
I am Jim Nicholson and am the newly elected director of the Wisconsin Region. I have been involved in the old car hobby since 1983 when I bought a ‘51 Chevy pickup. My first Classic was a 1929 Packard @which I got in 2007. I love many old car brands and have trouble getting rid of anything. I have been a member of our region for about ten years and have been the editor of the Hubcap the last three and on the board for about 7.
My vision for this club is to connect those who have any interest in old cars and to teach them to enjoy Classic cars. We are a very friendly group of people who love to share our interest in these fine old vehicles. All people of any experience are welcome. You do not have to own a Classic. All you need is interest.
Our club sponsors two or three tours every year and numerous other get-togethers. All are optional. Our members possess a wealth of knowledge about buying, restoring, and maintaining these cars. We learn from each other. We have a quarterly magazine as well as a website to share our club events and cars. We are closely connected to our national club, the CCCA. They offer access to many national activities and resources.
Please consider joining us, and if you are a member, please tell me what you would like to see us do. I always encourage input and participation.

Welcome to the Wisconsin Region of the Classic Car Club of America! We are the local region of the larger national CCCA which includes over 3,000 members. Membership to the CCCA includes subscriptions to two award winning publications, in addition to our regional newsletter that will keep you up to speed on our local activities and upcoming events. The focus of the CCCA is the incredible premium sports and luxury cars produced during the era of 1915 to 1948. If you are an enthusiast of these fine machines, there is no better way to stay connected with others who share that same passion than the CCCA. In addition to often needed technical resources, we have a full calendar that ranges from driving tours to social events. If you don’t own a Full Classic, but are interested in these automobiles, please reach out. Owning a car is not a requirement for membership, but enjoying them is!